Principal’s Blog


Dear HFCS Families & Friends, Today’s Gospel offers us a powerful reminder to remain vigilant to God’s message. Jesus attempts to prepare His disciples for what lies ahead, yet their own preoccupations prevent them from fully grasping His teachings. In His wisdom, Jesus reminds us: *”Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me,...
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Dear HFCS Families & Friends, As we reflect on this week’s Gospel, we’re reminded of Jesus’s profound message of acceptance and transformation. Just as He called His disciples despite their imperfections, He invites each of us to follow Him through our faith communities, daily prayer, and scripture reading. With the Lenten season approaching, we have...
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Dear HFCS Families & Friends, As we enter this month of February, celebrating both God’s love and the love we share with one another, I am reminded of 1 Corinthians 13:13: “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Important Enrollment Information Re-enrollment for the upcoming school...
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Dear HFCS Families & Friends: Today’s Gospel reading reminded me of Christ’s infinite capacity for love and attention. Like Saint Peter walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33), we sometimes hesitate to bring our seemingly small concerns to Jesus. Yet as Saint Augustine wrote, “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.”...
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Dear HFCS Families & Friends: Please join us in celebrating National Catholic Schools Week, our annual celebration of what makes education at Holy Family Catholic School outstanding. Starting with Sunday Mass on January 26th, we have a whole week of activities planned to show what our students are accomplishing and to celebrate the community we...
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We call out to Jesus with our prayers, for we know he will answer with mercy. For the students of our school, they gain wisdom from their teachers, faith from their leaders, and virtue from their interactions with each other. For the wisdom to understand the teachings of Jesus and the Church. For the strength...
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Dear HFCS Families & Friends, As we journey through January together in Christ, I write to you with both heavy hearts and hopeful spirits. First, I ask you to join me in lifting up in prayer the family of our dear student, Wyatt Michael, whose father, Jed, has recently passed into God’s eternal embrace. In...
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Dear HFCS Families & Friends, The Jubilee Year – our Year of Hope – dawned on Christmas Eve as Pope Francis opened the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica. In his inspiring letter, our Holy Father writes, “For everyone, may the Jubilee be a moment of genuine, personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, the ‘door’...
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Dear HFCS Families and Friends, On behalf of our faculty and staff, I extend warm Christmas blessings and prayers for a grace-filled New Year. We are truly blessed to welcome several new families into our school community. As disciples of Christ, I encourage each of you to reach out to these families, embracing them with...
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Dear HFCS Families & Friends, As we journey together through this sacred season of Advent, our hearts are filled with anticipation and hope. This weekend, we celebrated Gaudete Sunday—a profound moment of rejoicing that illuminates our path toward Christ’s coming. The rose-colored candle on our Advent wreath symbolizes the joy that permeates our spiritual preparation,...
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