Message From the Principal – Values

Dear HFCS Families and Friends,

In today’s Gospel, Jesus spends the whole night in prayer, discerning his important decision regarding who would form his 12 Apostles. Jesus’s prayer did not necessarily guarantee perfect results. The fact that we pray does not necessarily mean that everything is going to work out just right; however, prayer deepens our communion with God. If things do not work out as we might have hoped, we face situations with the strength that our communion with God gives us. When we make decisions that appear to be mistakes, sometimes God uses those mistakes for a larger purpose. It could be to teach us a lesson about life; it could be that our mistakes bring about a greater good that we cannot see right now. We have to trust that God has a larger plan for our lives. Trust is our communion with Him, and it’s always part of our journey. Today, let’s pray that God will be in all of the decisions that we make, no matter how large or how small.

Almighty God, you have created all people and all of creation. We give you thanks for this gift; we’re invited to engage with hope, joy, and love as your disciples. Open our hearts and our eyes to see our communities as you would have us to see them.

HFCS Values

Faith is the key value we are working on this month. We started the year with the virtue of Friendship wrapped in the value of Faith. This week students are working on Confidence. Confidence to be unapologetically Catholic. Confidence to pray in public and private. Confident to make the right decisions and, when we fail – to take responsibility for our actions. Please take time to talk about these values and virtues with your children as we move through the year.

Pax et Bonum,

Sue Styren, M.Ed.
