Welcome Back to Holy Family Catholic School!

Dear HFCS Friends and Families,

Fr. Sleeva and Fr. Arogyam’s mother passed away yesterday morning. Fr. Sleeva will be leaving for India in the next few days. Please keep them in your prayers and pray for the peaceful repose of their mother’s soul.

Thank you to all of our volunteers, PIE and Advisory, that helped to make the Back to School BBQ and the first week of school a success. The students are so full of joy and energy it warms my heart. We are so lucky to have amazing faith filled families here at HFCS. Thank you also to all that came out to join us Sunday at the All Parish Picnic. It was a beautiful day as we enjoyed community and friendship.

Faith is the key value we are working on this month. We started the year with the virtue of Friendship wrapped in the value of Faith. This week students are working on Confidence. Confidence to be unapologetically Catholic. Confidence to pray in public and private. Confident to make the right decisions and when we fail – to take responsibility for our actions. Please take time to talk about these values and virtues with your children as we move through the year.

As we start the school year, we ask that our families, wherever possible, avoid sending peanut and peanut products to school. We do have a few students with severe allergies and your gracious assistance in helping to make our school a safe place for them to learn and grow closer to God would be appreciated. We do take precautions with regards to peanut free lunch tables and washing hands both before and after meals/snacks but making an effort to keep those items off campus will help tremendously. Thank you in advance for your help in this matter as we move through the school year.

Pax et bonum,

Sue Styren, M.Ed.

Principal HFCS