Welcome and welcome back, Holy Family Catholic School Families!

On behalf of the entire faculty and staff, I hope that you have enjoyed a restful and relaxing summer! I am grateful for the blessing of this community of staff, students and families in my life, and am eager to see you all on the first day of school, Wednesday, September 4th. We are proud and excited to launch the 2024 – 2025 school year with our incredibly talented and dedicated teaching staff and your ongoing support and partnership!

As we begin this school year, let us reflect on the mission of Holy Family Catholic School:

The mission of our Roman Catholic school is to promote excellence in education – spiritually, academically, and physically – for the whole person, thereby nourishing the gifts uniquely given to each by God.

We have a marvelous staff of talented teachers leading the way this year. Please join me in welcoming our new team members and welcoming back our veteran teachers:

We have a wonderfully dedicated crew this year. We wish those who are no longer with us at HFCS the best as they pursue their careers in other other avenues near and far.

Below please find some important notes and reminders about the start of the school year.

  • Back to School BBQ on Tuesday September 3rd @ HFCS
  • 1st Day of School for Pre-K through 8th, Wednesday, September 4th 8 AM
    • Mass on the field at 8:30 am
    • Please feel free to join us for Mass
    • Coffee in the Commons for Parents, Community Building
  • 1st Day of School for Preschool, Thursday, September 5th 8 AM

The start of a new academic year is always full of promise, aspirations, and vitality. Please join me in prayer for a blessed school year …

Pax et bonum,

Sue Styren, M.Ed.

Principal HFCS