Parents are the primary educators of their children. HFCS welcomes parent involvement in every aspect of their child(ren)’s education–from volunteers in the classroom to chaperones on field trips, from recess duty to take-home projects. In addition, HFCS works under the philosophy that we are all a big family and need to work together to make our school run. To do this, we encourage parents to be heavily involved in the life of the school.
Parents are encouraged to volunteer for any of our major Development fundraisers: SUCCESS Annual Campaign, SCRIP, and the Annual Gala Auction. In addition, we have opportunities for room parents, event coordinators, teacher’s helpers, recess duty, lunchroom helpers, Hawktoberfest volunteers, and much more! Volunteering is encouraged at HFCS and required; families must complete 30 hours of volunteer time annually to remain in good standing with HFCS and their Parental Covenant. Again, all HFCS parent volunteers must complete the mandatory Diocese of Boise’s SAFE Environment training and pass a background check.
HFCS parents, grandparents, alums, and fellow parishioners are critical to our student’s growth and success. We encourage our school community to share their time and talents by volunteering.