SUCCESS: Partnership in the Future

Dear HFCS Families and Friends,

At Holy Family Catholic School, the term SUCCESS takes on a new meaning. Sure, we are looking towards the success of the school and the opportunity for all students – no matter the ability to pay – to be able to take advantage of a truly Diocesan Catholic education. But there’s more to SUCCESS. Success is building the foundation on which our students, our children, can become the moral and ethical leaders of tomorrow. Success is our stepping stone to the future and investment in children and their contributions to our world and our communities as they venture on to higher education and their place in our state, the country, and the world.

I will be off campus most of this week, learning more about Trust-Based Observations. The goal of trust-based observations (TBO) is to eliminate ineffective, fear-based observations to improve teaching and learning. We are always working to ensure that your children are receiving the best possible Catholic education. I look forward to sharing what I’ve learned with our faculty on Friday.

We hope that you take time to rejuvenate this week, attend Mass as a family, and forge strong family bonds. Participating in your home parish and donating to the SUCCESS campaign or volunteering at the upcoming SUCCESS Phonathon will strengthen our community and become an investment in our children’s future.

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” – Proverbs 16:3

God bless you and keep you safe.

Pax et Bonum,

Sue Styren, M.Ed.
