School Closures & Inclement Weather

HFCS follows the Coeur d’Alene school district for weather-related school closures and a 2-hour delayed start. Information is posted by 5:30 am. You can download the CDA schools app, call their weather hotline at 208-667-0784, check their website, or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

As soon as we know there is a school closure, we will share it with you on Facebook, and via our texting service. In case of an emergency early closure, the HFCS office will notify parents by text. We will not permit students to leave the school until arrangements are made to pick them up.

How the Decisions Are Made

The safety of students and employees is the top priority in the decision-making process. When we experience severe weather, such as freezing rain, heavy snowfall, or high winds, the CDA school district will evaluate road conditions and forecasts early in the morning (between 3 and 4 am). CDA school district considers the ability of school buses to operate safely, as well as general driving conditions for students, parents/guardians, and school staff. Other safety considerations include students who may walk to school or wait at bus stops in frigid or hazardous weather.

CDA school district balances these factors with other safety considerations. For example, a school closure may leave some students at home without adult supervision. For others, school may be the warmest and safest place to be. We all understand the impact a school closure or delayed start can have on families. Please know that each potential closure decision is weighed thoughtfully with careful consideration for the safety of the school community and based on the best information available.

When we experience severe weather or hazardous road conditions, a CDA school district team will assess current conditions and immediate weather forecasts early in the morning. Any change in normal operations will be announced before 6 am. CDA school district/HFCS will only announce when we have a closure or a delayed start; you will not receive an announcement that we are open as scheduled.

Holy Family Catholic School reserves the right to call a snow or inclement weather day regardless if the CDA school district calls this event. If HFCS calls a severe weather day, parents will be notified via our alert system – please be sure that your FACTS parent portal information is up to date. If the CDA school district calls a severe weather day, HFCS will follow suit.

Cold Temperatures & Indoor Recess

We will keep students indoors when the weather is below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. We check two different weather sites and average the “feels like” temperatures to account for the wind chill. Please ensure that you send cold weather gear with your child(ren) so that when we send them outside, they can play and be safe.