Dear HFCS Friends and Families,

As we end each school day, our students rush out to meet their families in the carline, there’s an outpouring of joy to reunite with family members and share their day. Sometimes, that rush can be a little overwhelming for the little ones and in addition, safety precautions may not be being met as they should. To attend to that need we are establishing some new protocols in carline that we would like your assistance. Additionally, we are creating a safety hazard on Kathleen Avenue. The Fire Department uses this street as a main access and lately we’ve been blocking that access. This traffic issue has been discussed at City Council Meetings as this is a main artery being blocked by our school and the public school down the road. Please follow the rules below:

  • ONE line only entering from Kathleen; all grades line up in one line while on Kathleen
    • This means the primary grade carline does not separate until on school grounds. We cannot have 2 lanes blocking all access down this street.
    • Failure to remedy this situation will result in substantial fines for the school
  • Try to minimize safely the space between vehicles
  • Students will enter cars only from the curbside
  • Parents, please do NOT exit your vehicle
  • Students entering vehicles from in front of the school will enter only with Staff supervision.
  • Parents – please be keenly aware of other vehicles and individuals. Vehicle speed in the parking lot should be less than 5 miles per hour
  • Think about delaying your arrival by 5 to 10 minutes to relieve traffic congestion.

We may be forced to have staggered release times if we cannot manage this issue effectively. If you have other family members picking up your children, please provide them with the information shared above please. Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated.

As winter weather is finally here, remember we will text you if there is a school closure. Severe Weather procedures can be found on our website: .

If at any time you feel that the road conditions preclude your family from coming to school please alert the office and stay safely at home.

Blessings to you and yours.

Pax et bonum,

Sue Styren, M.Ed.
