Peace the 2nd Week of Advent

Dear HFCS Friends and Families,

Today we celebrate the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our Gospel today reminds us that Mary was called and chosen to bring Jesus into the world. She continues her mission now as Mother of the Church bringing Jesus to birth in the Church. Mary, the handmaid of the Lord, is full of grace, and is worthy to be clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and to have twelve stars as a crown. May Mary intercede for us and help us to grow closer to Christ each day.

This Sunday, we entered the Second Week of Advent, which is the week of Peace. The word peace is the Hebrew word shalom which means completeness or well being. Jesus did not come just to end wars, but to make us complete by saving us from our sinfulness. How appropriate that we celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe in this week of Peace and Advent.

Special thank you this week to all of our Knights of Columbus: St. George, St. Pius X, and St. Thomas. Whenever the school has sought the support of the Knights from our three parishes they have always come to our aid. Last week the Knights from St. George graciously donated $1,000.00 from their golf tournament to benefit the school. Saturday evening after the 5 pm Mass, the St. Thomas the Apostle Knights hosted a Spaghetti Dinner to help the transformation of the school chapel. Today, the Pope St. Pius X Knights visited our school and donated $1,000.00. Our Student Council was on hand to accept this generous donation. Again, thank you to all of our Knights in Northern Idaho. The Knights truly are real role models in a world that needs men who lead, serve, protect and defend.

Blessings to you and yours this week.

Pax et bonum,

Sue Styren, M.Ed.
