October Blessings

Dear HFCS Families and Friends,

It is hard to believe that we’ve been in school for a month. I want to thank all the families that have turned out in support of our upcoming Hawktoberfest. Saturday promises to be lovely weather for the event. I hope to see you all there enjoying our community.

Thank you as well to our SUCCESS Phonathon volunteers who turned out last night to start out our week long event. I understand great strides were made in looking to meet our goal. Keep up the great work as you move through this week.

Cover my household in your protective arms. Give me the courage to move past my fears and be all that you intended me to be. Lord, my God, Father, bless and prosper the works of my hands throughout this new month of October. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen!

The Student Council is doing a fabulous job building excitement as we move through Spirit Week. Fr. Sleeva will join us tomorrow morning for mass at 10:30 am. The Student Council is planning a rally on Friday morning to garner more support for the upcoming Hawktoberfest. With the help of parent volunteers, this should be an exciting afternoon.

Have a blessed week.

Pax et Bonum,

Sue Styren, M.Ed.
