October, A Time for Prayer

Dear HFCS Families and Friends,

I am so grateful for our families here at HFCS and our extended families through the many parishes here in Northern Idaho. We are truly blessed to be able to work and worship together.

Last week, we had our Phone-a-thon for SUCCESS, and we were overwhelmed by the number of exuberant volunteers that turned out to help. Thank you to Chris Rocha and his amazing team for their hard work and dedication. I think it was possibly one of the best Phon-a-thon weeks yet! Thanks to all of you who helped to really make this program work.

I am also so very thankful for our Hawktoberfest Chair, Heather Morgan, and her many wonderful volunteers who helped to make this past weekend so amazing. As I wandered through the festival, everyone seemed to be having a joy filled time. Thank you to the many volunteers who helped make this happen, and special thanks to all of you who came and joined in community together to make the day blessed. Thank you to our Knights of Columbus, who provided security, and our amazing CDA Fire, Police, and SWAT teams that helped to make the day memorable. Sing Chuck Sing was a great addition to the entertainment and was enjoyed by everyone.

It’s another busy week this week – and yet taking time to find rest and reflection in Christ is so important. Please feel free to stop in the chapel and spend a moment with Christ as you pick up or drop off your children. Tuesday mornings after opening, our Moms in Prayer group spends an hour in prayer – think about joining us. Your heart will truly find respite in God.

Choose a quiet place—in your home, at work, outdoors, in a church. Quiet Yourself from Distractions. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus; let us throw off everything that distracts us (Hebrews 12:1-2).”

Speaking of time …

At the last faculty meeting, the teachers and I had a lengthy discussion regarding phones, watches, smartwatches, and Internet-connected fitness trackers. The following is a breakdown of what was decided regarding HFCS policy.

Phones must be turned in to the office once a student has arrived on campus. They are placed in a baggy with the student’s name and may be retrieved at the close of the day.

Prohibited Devices:

  • Smartwatches – any watch capable of communication, Internet access, photography, music, etc. Examples: Apple Watch, Android Wear watches, Samsung Gear, Fitbits with smart features
  • Internet-connected fitness trackers – any wearable fitness device capable of accessing the Internet, apps, or communication. Examples: Fitbit with wifi/Bluetooth connectivity, Garmin smartwatches.
  • Watches with cellular connectivity
  • Watches with built-in cameras
  • Watches that can access applications, email, texts, social media, etc.

Permitted Devices:

  • Basic timekeeping watches – analog or digital watches that ONLY provide timekeeping functions and have no connectivity or capabilities beyond telling time.
  • Basic pedometers and fitness trackers – basic wearable fitness devices that track steps, calories burned, heart rate, etc., but DO NOT have Internet connectivity, communication functions, or photography capability. They only record data locally.

I hope that this clears up any misconceptions with regard to the HFCS policy on these devices. Your assistance in helping students navigate the rules is appreciated.

Have a blessed week.

Pax et Bonum,

Sue Styren, M.Ed.
