New Year – New Goals

Dear HFCS Friends and Families,

As we approach the middle of January, those New Year Resolutions that we so eagerly drafted three weeks ago may start to lose their attraction. Now is a great time to take a moment and reflect on those goals and maybe refine the list to include goals which will benefit our whole Catholic community.

HFCS has a fundamental mission to promote excellence in spiritual as well as academic education. We celebrate the unique gifts given to each of our children by God. We do this in community with the three parishes St. George, Pope St. Pius X and St. Thomas the Apostle.

A very easy way you can help support our ongoing efforts to provide quality Catholic education is to utilize our Scrip Program. If you have not taken time to download the mobile RaiseRight app – do so NOW. From your mobile phone click to install on Apple or Android. It makes scrip purchasing easier to manage and track your earnings for the school. It only takes a small sacrifice of time.

Being Catholic means sacrificing for our families and our communities. It is more than attending Mass on Sundays. It is an ongoing personal encounter with Christ that renews the spirit so that we may witness God’s love with joy in our world. How do we do that? Each Catholic is called to a full and active participation in the life of the Church. Take time as you reflect on your New Year’s Resolutions how you can be a more active member of your parish, your school community, and your family. We are all called to be more Christ-like, it takes perseverance, it takes time, and most importantly love.

Blessings to you and yours.

Pax et bonum,

Sue Styren, M.Ed.
