We are blessed to have parents who share their time and talents with the Holy Family community.
When you submit this form, a copy of the details will be sent to the office and your child’s teacher, so there is no need to contact the teacher separately. You will still be required to sign in and sign out in the school office if your child leaves or returns to school during the school day.
HFCS expects all parents to observe the plan’s guidelines and amendments. To help ensure the safety of all children and permit an easy traffic flow, HFCS expects everyone picking up or dropping off to observe the following rules when bringing children to and picking them up from school.
Below are the classroom supply lists for the current school year. Lists for the upcoming school year are posted by July 1st. Please click on your child’s grade level to view or download their school supply list. If you have questions, please get in touch with your student(s) homeroom teacher.
It is HFCS policy that our students wear uniforms. Our uniforms serve many functions: to remove the pressures that students face to keep up with the latest and most expensive trends, to promote an environment of academic achievement through the business-like attire students wear, and most importantly, to ensure that we promote our identity as a Catholic school through our outward appearance. Our uniforms unify our children into a student body, striving together to learn and grow closer to Christ.
Use the following links to order unforms through Mountain Life, Tommy Hilfiger and Lands End. The school code for Tommy Hilfiger is Holy48 and Lands End school code is 90056631.
At discounted prices, gently used uniform clothing can be purchased at our school through Angel Rethreads. Angel Rethreads is a sponsored by Parents In Education (PIE), our parent volunteer group.
For more specific guidance on the uniform policy, please click the boys or girls button below for a detailed printable form.
Safe Environment training must be initially completed through a face-to-face class and then annually renewed online. The background check must be renewed every five years. The fee is the responsibility of the volunteer. Thank you for helping us keep our children safe!
Follow the directions (1-6) below to get started.
Register on CMG Connect, and follow this link for directions: CMG Instructions
Attend a face-to-face two hour safe environment training session. Training schedules are posted on CMG Connect, advertised in the Family Bulletin, and in the parish bulletins. If you can’t find a training, please call the HFCS office at 208-765-4327.
Give permission for a background check to be completed by the Diocese. Your information stays confidential. The background check form will be distributed to you at the face-to-face training. You are responsible for fees. The background check needs to be renewed every 5 years.
Submit appropriate driver forms if you are planning to drive on field trips. The driver form is available here.
You will receive a notification from the school when you are cleared to volunteer and drive. Until you receive this notification, you are not cleared.
Annually renew your safe environment training through the Diocesan online platform, CMG Connect. Follow this link for directions: CMG Instructions
Scrip is one of Holy Family’s major fundraisers; we require that every family earns $150 in profit from June 1-May 31 each year. Your participation in this program does not cost you anything extra. You purchase scrip gift cards to use at the places you already shop.
A very easy way for you to purchase scrip is through the RaiseRight mobile app. If you have not taken time to download the app – do so NOW on your Apple or Android device. It only takes a few moments to set up, allows you to purchase scrip instantly on your phone, and tracks your earnings. Email [email protected] for the HFCS RaiseRight enrollment code today!
HFCS is part of the National School Lunch Program. Student lunches are $3.75 and non-student guest lunches are $5.00. Students are welcome to bring a nutritious lunch from home and purchase milk separately for $0.55. The lunch menu is available on the Family Portal calendar.
We offer daily lunch options: hot lunch, chef salad, or bag lunch. Our Monday and Wednesday through Friday bag lunch features a deli sandwich; our Tuesday bag lunch features a fruit smoothie. All lunches include a vegetable, fruit, and milk. School lunches will be automatically billed through FACTS. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
As a school community, we implement the Circle of Grace Curriculum at the beginning of the year and refer back to it throughout the year.
There are amazing resources for parents as well that can be accessed throughout the year. As we get ready for summer, it’s never a bad idea to refresh your children regarding their Circle of Grace and have those wonderful conversations to keep them safe at all times. If you’d like to access any of the tools/resources available for parents please visit: www.cogpartners.org.
View your FACTS Family for the username and password.