Happy July Greetings

Dear HFCS Families & Friends,

The summer heat makes me glad that we have our beautiful Lake Coeur d’Alene nearby. I hope you are enjoying the weather and adventures that summer brings. My family is enjoying a little respite this week – but I’ll be back on campus on Thursday. In the meantime, I’m enjoying a cabin by the river – bird watching and reading! I can’t wait to hear about your adventures this summer. Please don’t forget that Pre-check-In and Uniform Day is Tuesday, July 18th. See below for more information.

Don’t forget about our 3rd Annual Golf Classic, which is coming up on August 11th at The Highlands in Post Falls. See below for information on registering to play, sponsorships, and volunteer opportunities.

We have more great opportunities for volunteer hours. We are looking for an additional librarian to assist on Tuesdays and Fridays – if you can help on one or both of those days, please reach out. We also need office volunteers.

Watch for more emails with opportunities to sign up for volunteer hours early.

You are all in our prayers as we move through this lovely summer.

Pax et bonum,

Sue Styren