Please join us in kicking off the 2023-24 school year with Mass on the Green followed by a Parent Social hosted by PIE (Parents in Education). Mass will be held on the field behind the gymnasium; please bring a lawn chair. Following Mass, enjoy coffee, pastries, and fellowship. (In the event of inclement weather, Mass […]
Celebrate the first week of school and support the 8th grade class trip by joining us for Skate Night! Entry Fee: $10/person Skate Rental Fee: $4/personPlease Note: Parents attending but not skating do not need to pay the entry fee.
Please join us for our annual BBQ! This is a great opportunity to connect with old friends and make new ones!We will provide the main dish and ask families to bring a side or dessert to share. If your last name begins with A-F, please bring a salad, fruit, or veggie tray; if your name […]
Visit with the Middle School team, see your child(ren)'s classrooms, and learn about what we have planned for the 2023-24 school year! Please note: This is a parent/guardian-only event. Please make other arrangements for your children. Please note we will have a Meet & Greet in the Commons, 5:30 to 6:00, with beverages and snacks provided.
Our SUCCESS Annual Campaign is the primary way we fund our tuition assistance program, helping to bridge the gap to ensure that ALL of our students receive a high quality, faith-based education. Why should you make a pledge or gift to SUCCESS?You will be supporting one of Holy Family's most important fundraising efforts of the year.You'll get your family name added […]
Visit your child's classrooms, meet the teachers, and learn about what they have planned for the 2023-24 school year! Please note: This is a parent/guardian-only event. Please make other arrangements for your children. Please note we will have a Meet & Greet in the Commons, 5:30 to 6:00, with beverages and snacks provided.