Early Christmas Present

Dear HFCS Friends and Families,

Yesterday, I received a phone call from the Diocese of Boise Superintendent, Mrs. Emerich. I was thrilled when she told me that the Bishop is moving forward on the North Idaho High School Project. Bishop Peter will be here in February to discuss this in more detail and has requested information on potential property sites. I know many families have been praying for this for over 15 years. As I told Mrs. Emerich – This is the best early Christmas present ever! Thank you all for your prayers and patience. Let’s keep praying for this project as we move into the new year.

This weekend we celebrated the third week of Advent, also known as Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete is a Latin word that means “rejoice!” On this day, we lit the rose colored candle of the Advent wreath. As we continue through the Advent season, preparing ourselves for the celebration of Jesus’ coming at Christmas, we are invited to avail of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. There are numerous opportunities for individual Confession, and times are listed in the parish bulletins. Through participation in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Jesus’ coming at Christmas. Our students in Grades 3 through 8 have had the opportunity to participate in a beautiful Reconciliation Service over the course of the last two weeks. We hope as a family, you will continue to avail yourself of this beautiful Sacrament throughout the year.

With the upcoming hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, the house to decorate and presents to wrap, it is important, as Catholics, to remember that Advent should be our focus. It is a difficult season to celebrate because of the commercialism of the secular world in which we live. At this time, we keep in mind people who are less fortunate in our community and the world. Thank you for all the donations we have received for the coins collected by 2nd grade for the St. Vincent de Paul Warming Center. Our hearts are full as we look at the generosity of our HFCS community. –

A special thank you to our students and Mr. McDonell for the wonderful Christmas program last Friday. And thank you as well to our amazing PIE volunteers for the Cookies, Cocoa, and Santa that followed the program.

As we wind down the week, we hope that you will enjoy our time off from school, December 22nd through January 7th, when you can gather with friends and family to enjoy the special gifts of Christmas: hope, joy, and most importantly faith.

A huge thank you to all of our school volunteers. Without your dedication and support we would not be able to provide the lovely opportunities for our students that HFCS is so proud to offer. Thank you so much for your continued support.

Blessings to you and yours throughout this holy season.

Pax et bonum,

Sue Styren, M.Ed.
