Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures

HFCS provides a school parking/traffic flow plan at the beginning of the school year, and you can also view or print it HERE. Click here for more parent resources.

HFCS expects all parents to observe the plan’s guidelines and amendments. To help ensure the safety of all children and permit an easy traffic flow, HFCS expects everyone picking up or dropping off to observe the following rules when bringing children to and picking them up from school.

Pick Up/Drop Off Rules
  • Observe school zone speed limits (5 mph in the parking area).
  • Follow traffic flow. DO NOT PARK at the curb to drop off or pick up students, and DO NOT leave your vehicle.
  • Do not talk on cell phones in or near our parking areas.
  • Once children are picked up, please keep them in the cars. For safety reasons, parents should not allow students to leave their vehicles once picked up.
  • Do not leave students in a car in the parking lot with the engine running or with keys in the car.
  • Younger students who need to walk through the parking lot must be escorted by the hand.
  • Only parents arrange carpools. For convenience only, HFCS keeps a copy of your carpool on file in the school office. It is, however, the parent’s responsibility to let their child(ren) know who will be picking them up on any given afternoon. If there is a change in a child(ren)’s pickup, the classroom teacher should be notified in writing. This will eliminate any confusion for your child and the school staff at the end of the day.
  • All after school plans should be made prior to and outside of school. Students are not to come to the office to phone home and make after school plans.