The mission of our Roman Catholic school is to promote excellence in education, spiritually, academically, and physically – for the whole person, thereby nourishing the gifts uniquely given to each by God. Learn more about Holy Family Catholic School.Read More
Holy Family Catholic School is accredited by the Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA). The WCEA is “a private educational accrediting agency” with a mission to “promote quality Catholic education for students in our member elementary and secondary schools through an accrediting process that assures the primacy of faith formation and educational excellence.” Learn more about...Read More
HFCS is part of the National School Lunch Program. Hot lunch is available five days a week. Student lunches are $3.75, and non-student guest lunches are $5.00. Students are welcome to bring a nutritious lunch from home and purchase milk separately for $0.55. The lunch menu is available on the Family Portal calendar. We offer daily lunch...Read More
Holy Family’s SCRIP Gift Card Program is a great way to help raise money for the school, and it costs you nothing extra! You purchase scrip gift cards to use at the places you already shop. All families are expected to generate $175 profit annually; families have the option to buy out of this expectation for...Read More
Holy Family Catholic School actively implements the Diocesan Safe Environment policies as a part of our whole-school safety plan. We hold our teachers, staff, parents, and volunteers to a high standard of continuing education and recurring background checks to ensure the safety of each individual at Holy Family Catholic School. To volunteer or work for...Read More
HFCS follows the Coeur d’Alene school district for weather-related school closures and a 2-hour delayed start. Information is posted by 5:30 am. You can download the CDA schools app, call their weather hotline at 208-667-0784, check their website, or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. As soon as we know there is a school...Read More
HFCS provides a school parking/traffic flow plan at the beginning of the school year, and you can also view or print it HERE. Click here for more parent resources. HFCS expects all parents to observe the plan’s guidelines and amendments. To help ensure the safety of all children and permit an easy traffic flow, HFCS expects...Read More
It is HFCS policy that our students wear uniforms. Our uniforms serve many functions: to remove the pressures that students face to keep up with the latest and most expensive trends, to promote an environment of academic achievement through the business-like attire students wear, and most importantly, to ensure that we promote our identity as a...Read More
Facts is a private and secure parent portal that allows you to see financial, academic, and school information. Holy Family Catholic School uses an integrated version of the FACTS Tuition Management and FACTS SIS systems. You will access your FACTS financial account via the FACTS Family Portal. Click the links below for FACTS portal link...Read More
When you submit this form, a copy of the details will be sent to the office and your child’s teacher, so there is no need to contact the teacher separately. You will still be required to sign in and sign out in the school office if your child leaves or returns to school during the...Read More