Anticipation of Advent & Thanksgiving

Dear HFCS Families & Friends,

The Gospel this morning reminds us of God’s love and generous kindness; let us all as Christians embrace the Lord once again with sincerity and commitment at all times, reminding us that God has always wanted each one of us to be fully reconciled with Him. We are asked to do our best in each and every moment of our lives. As we pray for one another as the Liturgical season comes to a close, please remember to also pray for the holy souls in Purgatory. May the Lord be with us always, His love and kindness, and may He strengthen each and every one of us so that all of us may always be strong and resilient, dedicated and faithful in each and every moment of our lives.

This November, we make a special effort to pay attention to our Saints, our Souls in Purgatory, family and friends we’ve lost our Veterans, and for those things we are most grateful for. It’s a preparatory time as we move closer and closer to our very holy time of Advent. We are preparing ourselves for Christ to come again. Reflection on our past and planning for our future. Ensuring faith in God is always at the center of what we do.

As we move closer to Thanksgiving, I am most thankful for the Holy Family Catholic community. HFCS is steeped in traditions that bind us together as one family in Christ. May your November be filled with love and thanksgiving. Find special time to pray together as a family – remembering what is most important to us all – our love of God and each other.

Have a great week!

Pax et bonum,

Sue Styren, M.Ed.
