Holy Family Catholic School provides a Christ-centered education that strives for excellence and success for each student. Our academic programs are guided by the Diocese of Boise’s curriculum standards, which are designed to foster intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and moral integrity in all our students. Discover the curriculum that guides us and see how we strive for academic excellence and the holistic development of every student.
We embrace a three-fold academic purpose:
Our religion classes are designed to foster a deep understanding of Catholic doctrine; however, students of all faiths are warmly welcomed. In addition to religious education, our students participate in sacrament preparation and grade-level retreats. At Holy Family, we worship as a faith community, sharing in daily prayer, student-led weekly Mass, and other seasonal devotional activities.
We do not believe in a “one-size-fits-all” approach to teaching and learning. Various instructional practices can be seen in our classrooms daily, and we will often accelerate our curriculum based on student needs.
Outside our core curriculum, we offer challenging academic enrichment activities through meaningful field trips, school assemblies, and presentations by respected community leaders. We utilize technology through one-to-one Chromebooks in grades 4-8 and age-appropriate introductions in our primary grades through our computer and mobile iPad labs. We also use technology to embrace best practices in assessment and data gathering to monitor our student’s progress and academic achievement.
Our comprehensive academic program is centered around recognizing each student’s individual gifts and talents. We strive to create an environment where students are actively engaged in their learning and have experiences that will create memories that last a lifetime.
Holy Family Catholic School recognizes that each child is a gift from God and that each child has unique gifts given by God. Each child learns differently, and our teachers are skilled at differentiating their instruction to meet the varying needs of each child in the classroom.
When our students leave eighth grade, our graduates are ready for success anywhere. They excel in Honors, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate programs and matriculate seamlessly into public, private, and parochial schools. Our traditional, skills-based, preparatory curriculum equips each student with the foundations needed for these paths or any other path they choose. This is enhanced by the expectation that our students think critically, explore, question, build, create, and ponder every facet of God’s great creations. Our curriculum meets the expectations of the Diocese of Boise and the state of Idaho.
Our after school programs offer not only child care but also high-quality extracurricular experiences, including sports and bible study. HFCS is now offering BLAZE, a Walking with Purpose ministry, that helps reach the hearts of girls with the love of Christ and the truths of our Catholic faith.
We live, we follow, we love like Jesus
with our hearts, minds, and bodies.
We speak, we listen, we learn like Jesus
with our hearts, minds, and bodies.
We serve, we respect, we act with courage
with our hearts, minds, and bodies.
We represent Holy Family Catholic School
with our hearts, minds, and bodies.